Our reporting appears in places beyond the bounds of our main website and its multiple language subdomains when other outlets republish, quote from, or re-report our findings. Highlights from this past month center on radio broadcasts: after our writer Jeremy Hance was interviewed by National Public Radio’s environmental news program Living on Earth late in November, the interview was broadcast on hundreds of stations around North America. Public Radio International picked up on that and in December shared an article about it with all their affiliate stations around the U.S. Elsewhere our Justin Catanoso was interviewed by North Carolina Public Radio about his coverage from the latest round of climate treaty negotiations in Poland for Mongabay, which was heard on its state-wide news talk program, “The State of Things.”
Numerous Mongabay reports were also republished in their entirety in December, including an article about tracing the safeguards against illegal logging in Vietnam by our Chris Humphrey, which later appeared at Asia Times. Mongabay publishes on a Creative Commons basis and encourages media outlets to republish our features in their own publications [learn how to do this here].
Here’s a selection of outlets our reporting appeared in during December 2018:
Asia Times, Asian Correspondent, Business Standard, Can-India News, El Ciudad Ano, El Comercio, Common Dreams, DX, Daiji World, Dhaka Tribune, EJU TV, Earth News, Eco-Business, EcoWatch, First Post, Grist, Huffington Post, IJNet, India Blooms, India West News, Indigenous News, The Inquirer, Morung Express, Mother Jones, La Mula, El Mundo, Nagaland Post, New Kerala News, The News Advance, The News Lens, News-Armenia, News D, North Carolina Public Radio, Outlook India, Public Radio International, Pacific Standard, El Pais, El Popular, Pulitzer Center, Quartz, The Quint, RIA Novosti, Riau Online, SciDev, Scroll, La Semana, The Sentinel, Shillong Times, Sierra Magazine, The Statesman, Telegana Today, Than Nien, WESA Radio Pittsburgh, and Yahoo News Taiwan.
Banner image of a lava lizard in Ecuador by Rhett A. Butler for Mongabay.