Our reporting was cited or republished by outlets ranging from Nature to The Nation, the New York Times and numerous others during the first quarter of 2023.
A few examples include a Mongabay feature about an amazing nautilus discovery that was noted prominently by top science journal Nature‘s website, the giant think tank Brookings which relied on a September 2022 report for a chapter in a new report about how technology can be used to boost the sustainability of supply chains, and Mongabay’s founder and CEO who was quoted at length in a Council on Foreign Relations feature about whether Amazon countries can rein in deforestation.
Such reports were also discussed on the airwaves: staff writer Gerry Flynn appeared on Australian radio broadcaster (ABC)’s “Counterpoint” show to share the results of his investigation of illegal logging by a Cambodian cabinet official, “Logged and loaded,” freelance reporter Justin Catanoso was interviewed by syndicated radio show Sea Change Radio about his recent biomass energy investigation that inspired the Dutch Parliament ending ‘renewable’ subsidies for that energy source, and freelancer Yannick Kenné appeared on the China in Africa Podcast to share what was learned from his reporting on Cameroonian communities that have accused a Chinese mining company of air and water pollution.
Mongabay regularly offers its writers and editors for interviews and speaking engagements like this, learn more and see a list of staff available for interviews here.
Numerous media outlets also chose to republish entire Mongabay reports, like one about the Mexican government moving to stop the illegal totoaba trade that threatens endangered vaquita porpoises with extinction, which later appeared in Hakai magazine. Other Mongabay articles were republished in outlets ranging from Quartz to Eco-Business and The Colombo Gazette and we encourage fellow media outlets to also republish our features – one can review our Creative Commons policies and guidelines here.
Here’s a brief selection of media outlets where the Mongabay team’s work appeared during the first quarter of 2023:
AOL News, Accesswire, Asia Pacific Report, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Brookings Institution, Business Insider, Business Standard, Business World, Cambodia Daily, Cambodia News, The Canary, Carbon Brief, Carbon Pulse, China-Africa Podcast, Christian Science Monitor, Circle of Blue, Colombo Gazette, Common Dreams, Council on Foreign Relations, Counterpoint, Counterpunch, Daily Kos, Dialogo Americas, Down to Earth Magazine, Eco-Business, EcoWatch, EnviroPress, Eurasia Review, Front Page Africa, GAVI, Grist, Greensboro News & Record, Gulf Today, Hakai Magazine, IFL Science, IOL, The Independent, Indian Express, KALW-San Francisco, Khmer Times, MSN, Morning Ag Clips, NACLA, NNN News, The Nation, Nature.com, New Mandala, New York Times, News Tribune, Now This News, OilPrice.com, Quartz, Planet Forward, Positive News, Quartz, The Quint, Scientific Reports, Scroll, Sea Change Radio, State of the Planet, Statista, The Swaddle, Taiwan News, Tech Times, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, Yale Climate Connections, and Your Call.
Banner image: African wildlife puzzle. Image by Erik Hoffner for Mongabay.