Mongabay in the news, July 2018

Our reporting appears in many places beyond the bounds of when other outlets republish, quote from, or re-report our findings. Highlights from this past month included discussion in a Smithsonian article about indigenous people being noted as caretakers of an enormous portion of the world’s conserved lands, to multiple mentions of a Mongabay article about Colombia’s plans for deforestation-free chocolate production, which was picked up by outlets ranging widely from the Russian outlet Tass to The Guardian and green design/lifestyle site Inhabitat.

Mongabay publishes on a Creative Commons basis and encourages media outlets to republish its features in their own publications. Learn how to do this here.

Here’s a selection of outlets our reporting appeared in during July 2018:

Al Jazeera,, Asian Correspondent, Business Standard, The Conversation, Courrier International, The Dodo, Eco-Business, The Guardian, Huffington Post-France, Des Informemenos, Inhabitat, International News Lens, Khabar Online, Kerala News, La Mula, Newsheads, The Next Web, Nonprofit Quarterly, Pacific Standard, RPP Noticias, Scroll, La Semana, The Sentinel, Sify News, Smithsonian magazine, The Statesman, Tass.

Banner photo: Anaconda photographed in Colombia by Rhett A. Butler for Mongabay.