Mongabay in the news, June 2018

Mongabay’s original reporting appears in many places beyond the bounds of when other outlets republish, quote from, or re-report our findings. One highlight from this past month included a New York Times story picking up on a Mongabay feature about the rare moustached kingfisher (pictured) which was killed by a scientist for study, rather controversially: “‘Ghost bird’ photographed for first time ever, euthanized for science.” The Times piece, “The Ornithologist the Internet Called a Murderer,” talked about what happened to that scientist when the internet found out.

Mongabay publishes on a Creative Commons basis and encourages media outlets to republish its features in their own publications. Learn how to do this here. Here’s a selection of outlets our reporting appeared in during June 2018:

Asian Correspondent, Business-Human Rights Resource Centre, Cambodia Daily, CanIndia, Daily Mirror, Deccan Chronicle, The Diplomat, Eco-Business, Economic Times, EcoWatch, Epoch Times, Gulf News, IFL Science, Inhabitat, India Times, International News Lens, Metro, New York Times, Noticias Venezuela, Pacific Standard, RPP Noticias, The Revelator, Scroll, La Semana, Tarung News, and The Wire.

Banner image: Moustached Kingfisher. Photo courtesy of University of Kansas/Rob Moyle.