Geraldine Santos, Peru, is passionate about Indigenous cutlure, their stories, their cosmovision and languages. She was a reporter with Ojo Público, an independent invetigative journalism platform, where she covered topics around Indigenous peoples, the Amazon and human rights defenders. Her career started in 2012 when she was still a student. She first started as an intern in local radios and then moved to printed media, and in 2018 she became a correspondent for national media in the Huanuco region. In 2020, during the covid-19 crisis, she started working on environmental journalism and worte articles about the vulnerability of Indigenous peoples during the pandemic.
Her work has contributed to bring to the light the murders of different environmental defenders, as well as the vulnerability and lack of adequate public policies for Indigenous peoples. She was a finalist in the data journalism competition “Todos los Ojos en la Amazonía” and was awarded funding from USAID and Consejo de Redacción, in Colombia, to cover stories about Indigenous leaders facing organized crime for defending their ancestral territory.
In her free time, Geraldine writes micro-stories that she dreams of publishing. She loves water and enjoys swimming. She practices extreme sports, reads poetry, listens to trova, and is happy teaching kids who suffer from dyslexia how to create new ways of learning.
Get to know her on Twitter.