Two New SRI Reporting Opportunities Announced launched applications for two new Special Reporting Initiatives today.  These reporting grants range from $15,000 – $27,000 in support for a series of in-depth articles on the various topics.  Click on each description to learn more.

Food Waste & Spoilage in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is arguably the one region in the world that can least afford to lose food. In fact, the FAO estimates that Africa as a whole loses enough food annually to feed 300 million, or nearly a third of all of Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, over 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are today undernourished. In this region food ends up being lost before it even reaches the table due to lack of infrastructure, poor refrigeration, or unreliable transportation. Learn more about this SRI.

The Social & Environmental Impacts of Foreign Development Finance in the Western Amazon
Scores of dams are being built in the upper headwaters and tributaries of the Amazon River. These have still poorly understood ramifications for nutrient cycling and distribution, migration patterns, and the Amazon rainforest itself. This SRI will explore the social and environmental impacts of foreign development finance-mostly Brazil’s development bank BNDES but also China-linked finance-in the Western Amazon-Andes region in South America. Learn more about this SRI.