Using Global Forest Watch for journalists


    The availability of near-real-time deforestation data via Global Forest Watch (GFW) is expanding, creating a growing number of opportunities for journalists to leverage this material in their reporting on forest issues.

    To help writers capitalize on this opportunity, Mongabay is organizing an online training on November 13 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time in collaboration with GFW staff to demonstrate how journalists can use its tools to add evidence to news articles, and to explain how GFW’s Places to Watch methodology is being utilized to identify areas of recent deforestation for on-the-ground investigation and reporting, such as Mongabay’s Forest Trackers article series.

    While many of the tools that journalists use to tell stories offer tutorials, most of these are general and don’t provide the context that’s most relevant to how journalists can use them.

    The webinar will provide practical information about how journalists can use GFW tools and participants will gain a better understanding for how to access and interpret the information, as well as how to appropriately use this information in their reporting.

    Participating trainers:

    • Willie Shubert, Global Program Director – Mongabay
    • Mikaela Weisse, Manager – Global Forest Watch
    • Kai Kresek, Junior Data Specialist – Global Forest Watch

    View more information and register for this free training here.

    Banner image: Map produced using GFW tools for a feature from Cameroon in Mongabay’s Forest Trackers series, where a rubber plantation was found to have expanded into 127 square kilometers of primary rainforest.