Rachael is a recent graduate from Tufts University, where she studied International Relations and Environmental Science. She attributes her love for nature to her childhood in Nebraska, where she spent much of her time climbing trees and picking wild berries outside the small town where she grew up. Coming from a place surrounded by agriculture and food production, she has always been attentive to people’s relationship with the environment. She recently found this connection particularly interesting in Ecuador while studying land use and sustainability in a community located on deforested Amazon land.

Rachael is currently working on a project using virtual reality to help viewers understand the geology of the MiddleSex Fells, a nature reservation near Boston. She avidly believes in the power of communication and experience to educate others about the environment, and thinks technology has incredible potential to enhance the dialogue between nature and people. She has contributed various multimedia pieces to news organizations, and focuses her work on translating technical topics into manageable narratives. Moving forward, she wants to keep using experience-based storytelling to make climate change a more personal issue for everyone.

In her spare time, Rachael works at a climbing gym and enjoys hiking and long runs. She also loves to scuba dive but has yet to brave the cold New England waters.