Mongabay in the news, from the Guardian to Grist

A wild Indonesian orchid. Image by Rhett A. Butler for Mongabay.

The first quarter of 2024 resulted in an array of interesting media mentions and citations for Mongabay, from the Guardian which co-published a piece with our team from the Brazilian Amazon, to Foreign Policy which cited the team’s work in a piece about Colombia, while Semafor referenced reporting on a recent translocation of rhinos in Kenya and Grist used Mongabay’s reporting to discuss carbon offsets in Cambodia.

Elsewhere, a New York Times reporter discussed the carbon offset project which our team had revealed for threatening to remove a Peruvian Indigenous community from its territory, until that report aired and the company started deleting its project information from the internet, after the UN agency our reporter contacted later confirmed that their agency was falsely named by the developers as a project partner.

Mongabay’s activities were also a regular focus for scientific publishers, from a new study in the journal Science which used our global database of reforestation projects,, in its methodology to critique the popular framing of tree planting (which spurred further coverage in Popular Science & The Verge), while a paper about human-wildlife interactions in the journal Landscape Ecology cited a Mongabay-India feature, the journal Managing Protected Areas noted another one in a study about the effect of the COVID pandemic on park management, and the journals Waste and Challenges cited two Mongabay features respectively.

And from a sky-high level, the team’s on-the-ground reporting was cited in four different reports by NASA’s Earth Observatory about trends their team is tracking via satellite in Guatemala, Indonesia, Brazil, and Venezuela.

Mongabay’s founder & CEO, Rhett Ayers Butler, was interviewed for an environmental news show heard on 106 non-profit radio stations, then again in print in Spain about the Biophilia Award that the team recently won, and First Voices Radio interviewed an Indigenous elder quoted in a 2023 feature about salmon fishing traditions for an episode which was heard on the 100+ radio stations which carry the program.

Mongabay regularly offers its writers and editors for interviews and speaking engagements like these, learn more and see a list of staff available for interviews here.

Numerous media outlets and organizations also chose to republish entire Mongabay reports, from the UNDP blog to Worth, Indian Country Today and Daily Coffee Today. News outlets are encouraged to republish Mongabay features like this via the Creative Commons, and can review the guidelines here.

Here’s a brief selection of publications and programs where the Mongabay team’s work appeared during the most recent quarter:

AV Club, Africa Briefing, Alaska Beacon,, Asia-Pacific Report, AsiaNews, Brazzil, CS Monitor, Cambodia Daily, Carbon Brief, Carbon Pulse, Challenges Journal, Coastline, Common Dreams, CompsMag, Confectionery News, The Conversation, The Cool Down, Corporate Knights, Countercurrents, Counterpunch, Courrier International, Current Agriculture Research Journal, Daily Coffee News, Daily Kos, Data Center Dynamics, EFE, ESG Business Today, Earth Island Journal, EastMojo, Eco-Business, EcoWatch, Environmental Health News, El Espectador, Eurasia Review, First Voices Radio, Focusing on Wildlife, Foreign Policy, Gazeta, Global Investigative Journalism Network, GNN, Global Investigative Journalism Network, Good News Network, Grist, The Guardian, Gulf Today, IFL Science, The Hindu, IMDB,, India Blooms, Indian Country Today, Journal of Landscape Ecology, Kathmandu Post, Kompas, Landscape Ecology Journal, Latin America Bureau, Live Science, MENA-FN, El Mundo, NASA Earth Observatory, Nature, New Security Beat, New York Times, El Pais, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Popular Science, Premium Times Nigeria, Pulitzer Center, Radio Ecoshock, Radio Kingston, 107.9 FM, Resilience, Science, Scroll, Semafor, South Africa Today, Springer Nature Publishing, Telesur English, UNDP Blog, UOL, El Universal, The Verge, Voice of America, WHQR-91.3FM Wilmington, Waste Journal, Western Journal, The Wire, Wired, Woodworking Industry News, Worth, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Life, Yahoo News, and Yale Climate Connections.

Banner image: A wild Indonesian orchid. Image by Rhett A. Butler for Mongabay.