Roxana Romero lives in Mexico City but is originally from Coahuila, a state in the northern part of the country where she began her career in 2014. She specializes in solutions and investigative journalism. She writes about the environment, indigenous territorial defense, and human rights. Currently, she works at Agence France-Presse as part of the U.S. fact-checking team verifying false information circulating in Spanish. Previously, she was an editor and mentor at the Border Center for Journalists and Bloggers (BCJB). She has been published in national and international media. In 2019, she was part of the first Solutions Journalism workshop by the Fundacion Gabo and later, as part of the Trainers Program, she trained other journalists in Solutions Journalism in three Mexican states. She is part of the seventh generation of the Latam Network of Young Journalists and the Network of Journalists of the Sea in Mexico; she is also part of the CONNECTAS Hub and was a fellow of the International Women Media Foundation. Roxana loves the desert ecosystem and everything related to dinosaurs. In her free time, she reads, listens to podcasts and plays soccer.