Our reporting appears in many places beyond the bounds of the website when other outlets republish, quote from, or re-report our findings.
Highlights from this past month include our collaborative investigation with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists of a Madagascar seafood company “Top Madagascar shrimp co. moved millions among tax-haven shell companies” appearing in top French newspaper Le Monde. This exposé using the Panama Papers spurred a debate in the country about the secret movement of much-needed tax dollars offshore. And New York magazine picked up on Mongabay Wildtech’s story about 3-D printing of reefs, plus Mongabay was featured by Sea Change Radio, a 30-minute interview show heard on 75 radio stations across the U.S., about what’s been learned through the publishing of an ongoing series on agroforestry.
Numerous Mongabay reports were also republished in their entirety last month, including one about Indonesia’s government canceling a large development that would have been destructive to marine ecosystems, by the Asia Times. Mongabay publishes on a Creative Commons basis and encourages media outlets to republish its features in their own publications [learn how to do this here].
Here’s a selection of outlets our reporting appeared in during October 2018:
AllAfrica.com, Asia Pacific Report, Asia Times, Asian Correspondent, Business Green, Business Standard, CanIndia, Civil Eats, Climatechangenews.com, El Comercio, Cultural Survival Quarterly, Daiji World, DevDiscourse, Earth.com, Eco-Business, Efecto Cocuyo, The Epoch Times, El Espectador, Foreign Policy, Gulf News Today, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, IOL News, Indigenous News, Lado B, Latestly, The Logical Indian, Minda News, Le Monde, Morung Express, La Mula, The New Arab, New Kerala News, New York Magazine, The News Lens, The News Minute, NewsD, Newsgram, Newsheads, North Coast Journal, Online Khabar, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Outlook India, Quartz, Pacific Standard, Pacifico TV, Pulitzer Center, SIFY.com, Sea Change Radio, Scroll, La Semana, Sentinel Assam, Sierra Magazine, Telesur TV News, Triple Pundit, Truthout, Urgente24, Venezuela al Dia, and The Wire.
Banner image: Ginkgo leaf by Erik Hoffner